How I won Father’s Day’s gift

      Standing on the dais before a capacity of over 5,000 worshipers  I looked afar off , lo and behold eyes were fixed on me. If you multiply two eyes by 5,000 spectators that means about 10,000 eyes were focused on me and when you multiply  5,000 people by  their 32 teeth smiling at me then about 160,000 teeth were smiling at me too. Far away I saw the congregation waving their hands, shouting and congratulating me .There was  loud ovation as thunderous clapping  followed and the hall shook to its foundation.

The Pastor in charge , Greg Bruce stepped forward and threw a barrage of questions at me ” What is your name?. Where are you from? .Are you a resident, a citizen or a visitor ? ” . Eyes were fixed on me. I felt great. At that moment my voice changed , I became conscious of myself .Now I became bold and trust me (Bobo T, T Bobo, BoN). I stepped forward majestically as the over 10, 0000 waxed bulbs beamed on me with Photographers and video camera men clicking their buttons and flashing .I then knew I had become a celebrity. Beaming with smiles I adjusted myself as I denge, posed, and confidently replied ” I am Peter Abiodun, I am a visitor . I am a Journalist, a blogger of , I am from Nigeria”, again another thunderous ovation followed. With clenched fists I bowed and another deafening shout followed. And I laughed within me and told myself “Me Bobo T, T Bobo , BoN !”.

Ronnie,    BoN,  Pastor  Greg

The presiding pastor Greg announced : ” Congratulations, Peter winner of Father’s Day Competition! .After today’s service you should come for your prize, the 65 inches television you won”. Later we took pictures together with my competitor .

That was what happened on the 17th of June , 2018 when the world celebrated                        ” FATHER’S DAY” at 5555, Hope Church, Blvd. Suite 119 Hazelwood, MO 63042 St Louis, Missouri , United States of America.

Some senior officers of the Church congratulating me

On that Sunday morning, Ronnie was reluctant to go to Church as she said she was tired when she arrived from work late in the night .She later changed her mind and we both went to church .At the church the Pastor asked all fathers present to stand up and he prayed for us  all. He announced that there would be a competition and asked all fathers to write their names on the papers provided. More than 120 fathers wrote down their names and two names were announced , Peter Abiodun ( pronounced as Abodon) and another man’s name were called.” Abbey, that is you!, Abbey, that is you!!”, Ronnie screamed where we were seated. She then put her mouth into my ears , prayed for me and said ” Listen to their instruction, please go , I know you will win”, and I rose  and went to the podium where we were asked to play the basket ball. My competitor is a huge and tall man .After playing for 10 minutes the result was announced while my competitor scored 22 points I scored 28 .There was a  loud shout as they all watched the game  from the television screens positioned at different locations in the big church.

As the giant hifi speakers strategically located in the church were blaring music  while the over 50 powerful electric bulbs beamed on me .There was another loud screaming of joy that could wake up the dead from the grave . When the American, a white man, Pastor Greg announced me as the winner, a loud ovation rent the air.

The giant 65 inches telly was put on a roller and pushed by two hefty men while I was being watched by hundreds of people who were shaking my hands and saying congratulations to me as it was being carried into Ronnie’s car. Again, eyes were fixed on me.I became a celebrity in St Louis , Missouri, United States of America and I smiled.

An old man who should be in his 80’s along with his wife approached me and politely demanded for my hand for handshake and said ” you are a lucky man”, I smiled again the second time. When we got home I forgot to eat but sipped my black coffee prepared by  Ronnie, “I am glad you won and this is the beginning of good things to come “, Ronnie said .

We unwrapped the television, looked at the giant television again and gave thanks to God.

Some hours later I sent text messages to many people that I had won a 65 inches television.

What a lucky guy I am. When I asked how much it could cost , a friend said its about 1,500dollars. Who says God is not good?

In the evening I took up the letter my brother , Professor Rowland Abiodun wrote to me recently that   “God loves you.  Always put God first in everything and He will do wonders”. I sent the pictures of the occasion to him in Massachusetts , Dr.Tayo Ojomo in Philadelphia, while his wife Mrs.Lorraine called and said ” I know you are brave , always optimistic and I love your courage”I also sent the photograph to  Mr.Olayinka Oyegbile ( Deputy Editor Sunday The Nation newspaper),  Mr.Lekan Otufodunrin( Editor), Mr Yemi Ajayi ( Head Computer section, The Nation on Sunday) and many others .

In the middle of the night I woke up Ronnie and asked whether it was a dream , but she replied ” Believe and trust God in everything you do.”

Then we went back to sleep while I was shouting “St.Louis,  Missouri I am here. America here I come .God I want more of this blessing”.

My mind tells me that more bigger goodies are still coming in Jesus’ mighty name .

Author: Taiwo Abiodun


6 thoughts on “How I won Father’s Day’s gift”

  1. Nice one brother Taiwo AKA Bobo T. When all you do is always wanting to help people to grow, God takes over your case because you stand in the middle as human to be used by God to help humanity. This is just the beginning Baba T. Enjoy God’s love in full abundance

  2. Beautifully written by the most talented brilliant, bravehearted husband in the world…. I Love this man….

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